Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Above and beyond

After formally joining my team with Kane Henderson and Patrick Ford, we decided to continue our design development of the bus tracker. To fit into the constraints of the new brief we decided to change the tracking network from a GPS system to live Tweets on Twitter. Each bus in the city will have its own twitter profile, and will send automatic tweets when leaving each station on route. The driver will also have the opportunity to manually tweet passengers in case of an emergency etc. The bus stop will have some sort of tangible interface where passengers choose the destination they wish to travel to and receive information about the next bus going to that stop.

This got us thinking about what people do at a bus stop. It’s boring, it’s frustrating, it’s a real pain when you don’t know where the bus that was supposed to arrive ten minutes ago is. So a tangible interface that gives passengers something to do while they’re waiting for their bus, like playing a game, has been the main focus point in the design process this week.


I found this saucer that gives users something to do with their hands while enjoying a cup of coffee. Cool stuff.

I believe the scenario facet of this project will be a major contributor to this design, as users are in many different situations when they are using a bus stop. Kane is handling this side of the process, Patrick is focusing on the object and I am studying behavior. Although we have branched off into these sub-categories we will continue to meet up and work through the whole process as a group.

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