Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 09 Tutorial

In the meeting today, Patrick, Kane and I had many detailed discussions about the aesthetics and behavior of the new concept for the bus stop. The main issue we discussed was the amount of LED's we would use for each bus stop. Originally we were to have one line of RGB LED's which would represent all the bus routes and individual bus numbers would be identified through colour. My argument against this interface was that people may get confused when they can’t see where their bus is going to end up at the end of the route. Also, during peak times only having one strip of LED’s might not be enough to handle the added routes during these times.

One solution was to represent each bus number along a route with separate lines and separate LED's along each path. This concept was good for showing people where they need to go, but it used four times as many LED’s as one strip. We compromised as a group as we liked the usability of have separate lines to show each bus number, and we liked the simplicity and elegance of having a single strip of LED’s to show busses on route.

To be continued…

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